
Saturday, May 4, 2013

3D and 2D Geometric Connections: Using a real-life object to make that demonstration

I took a regular Kleenex box and showed my 1st grade students step by step what 2D shapes makes a rectangular prism.  They made connections between the 3D rectangular prism and 2D rectangular and square shapes using a Kleenex box.  I cut the Kleenex box and pasted each face to chart paper.  We discussed the edges, faces and vertices of the rectangular prism.  Before this lesson, we made a compare and contrast Venn diagram between a rectangular prism and cube.   It's important for my students to have that solid foundation and understanding of the different geometric shapes.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

QR Codes 1st Grade Math

 Technology and math integration for my 1st grade students.  I designed it as a review of different math skills that my class has covered so far.  The following is the result and I am freely given it away to all classroom teachers that can possibly make use of it.    Print  in color paper and laminate.  Download a scan app to an IPod and IPad.  Each student can then scan the QR code to solve the math problem.  Have a wonderful day!  :)

Click here to download

Saturday, September 8, 2012

WHATASIGHTWORD (Sight Words Display For Classroom)

Teaching English Language Learners (ELLs) is always a great challenge to take on and one I always look forward to each school year.   This school year, I wanted to organize the sight words in a different manner than previous school years.  My vision is to see students be more interactive with their sight words as they use them to do various language art activities with them.  We have always done the following activities:  spell them out, find them in their books, magazines, postcards, write sentences with them, use them as they speak English etc... but now I want my students to choose the words they want to keep practicing.  Keeping in mind, that eventually, they will need to choose different sight words each time they use the WHATASIGHTWORD Board.

I went to my local WHATABURGER and they gladly donated the french fries containers.  Thanks so much!  Voila!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Classroom Interior Decoration: To Infinity and Beyond Quote

My niece, Elizebeth, knows that I'm always looking for a bargain when it comes to buying good quality items for my classroom.  She bought me 4 small blackboards for 25 cents each at a garage sale.  I loved them the instant she gave them to me!  I knew that I could put them to good use!  I started thinking,  what do all little good 1st grade students relate to????  Animated movies!!!   So, I found myself a quote from Toy Story that Buzz Lightyear uses throughout the movie.  TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!

I grabbed myself a glue gun, some fashionable letters, some creativity and came up with this simple classroom decoration.  I can't wait to display it in my classroom very soon!

Friday, June 15, 2012

From Trash To Flash In 30 Minutes

Currently I am updating my writing station in my classroom but did not want to spend a dime on buying more items for my classroom so I had to get my creative juices flowing to think of someway to create something nice and reusable for my classroom.  My niece who lives with me -->  I'm her guardian... loves chocolate powder to add to her milk.  I was fixing to throw the empty container in the trashcan when....ding, ding, ding!!!! Then, it hit me like a ton of pencils!!!! I could use this container and turn it into storage for my markers!!!  This project took about 30 minutes to do.  The following photos are the results

 Voila!  My new storage container for the different writing instruments my students will be using for their creative writing station!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

EGGstraordinary Fractions!!!!

This activity elevated my little 1st grade students to the next level of understanding in fractions.  They had so much fun using the sports theme Easter eggs to learn and practice fractions.  Really want to share this activity with everyone out there!  When my little students took the district assessment test over this concept, the majority of them passed the test.  I love it when students really capture and understand the concept.  It gives me goosebumps when I see my little ones being successful in their academic learning.  

So here is the activity along with a couple of pictures of what I used to setup my Eggstraordinary Fraction Station.  Please feel free to pass along this activity to your teacher friends!

*By the way, I shopped at the Dollar Tree.   That's where I found the sports theme Easter eggs.

click here to download fraction activity 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fractions With Literacy

We have been enjoying the different stories written by Kevin Henkes.  In several of his books, Mr. Henkes, writes about Lilly, one of my students favorite characters.   Lilly is a very fun and creative mouse.  She appears in the following books:  Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse, Chester's Way, Lilly's Big Day, and Julius, The Baby Of The World. 

After reading and discussing those books, we celebrated Lilly's birthday during our math time.  My students were learning about fractions.  This was a perfect opportunity to make another connection with Lilly.  Students were asked to draw cakes and demonstrate the many ways they can cut the cake in 4 equal parts to share with friends.  Students decorated their cake in their own imaginative way.

The following is a second way to do this same activity!  Thank you for your e-mails/comments!  Have a wonderful week!  

Click here to download free activity!