
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Basketball Shoes

Listening to Beatles Channel while posting my new math fraction design about basketball shoes.  Follow me on twitter for updates on new math activities.  This is a freebie to teachers.  Thank you for your comments and encouragement!  Truly love hearing from all of you!  Much love!

Click here to download Basketball Shoes Activity

Friday, December 23, 2011


Thank you so much for all your support and for reading my math blog.  I really do love to hear from y'all, so shoot me an e-mail!  To my fellow audience,  I have officially finished my first math activity book and I am so excited to share it with you very soon.  Now, I'm in the works of beginning on a second math activity book.   Ideas are starting to flow and have been diligently writing them down as it happens.  

Looking forward to spending some quality Christmas time with the family and helping my niece with her basketball practice, which by the way we are both getting much better at that sport. Like they say, "Practice makes perfect!"

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!  I've just finished designing this math activity and wanted to give it away for classroom teachers to use.  Football is always a favorite with many of us, so that is the theme for this activity.

Click here for the freebie! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Freebie: Classroom Creation Station Cards

Here is to a wonderful Christmas and New Year 2012 to all the wonderful teachers out there!  May you enjoy this time to its fullest with family and friends!  This semester has gone by too fast for me but it has certainly giving me time to be thankful for my family, students, friends and all my fellow teacher friends!  I've just designed a set of Classroom Station Cards for rotation organization.  Also, I left the last page blank on purpose.  They are yours for free just leave a comment!  

Click HERE to download your Classroom Station Cards

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Love designing math activities for teachers to use in the classroom.  Here is a freebie to use for your kindergarteners!  Leave a comment and let me know how it goes!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Students Finding And Analyzing Geometry Shapes In The Real World

Heard some interesting conversations among the students as I was facilitating this lesson on the discovery of different shapes they can find in the real world.  One student asked a question, "What's is the difference between a square and a rectangle?"  He answered his own question as he discovered various different items that were squares and rectangles.  He noticed that 2 sides were the same length than the other side.

They also found out that shapes turned different directions/angels.  

Students helped each other look for real world shapes, cut and organized shapes into 4 different categories:  circle, triangle, square and rectangles.

Below are some  image samples one can find in newspaper clippings: