
Friday, February 4, 2011

Increase Productivity In The Classroom!

During the middle of the school year, I sit down with my students and talk to them about overcoming obstacles.  The reason that I do this in the middle of the school year instead of the beginning of the school year is that around this time I have now built a strong positive rapport with my students.   With our discussion, I present to them real people who have faced obstacles in their lives and how they triumph over them.   My students never say they can't do something.  They know that it will take practice in order to do better each day.  As I walk around my classroom, students are working together, asking good questions about their learning with each other and solving problems together!  Talking with your students about facing and overcoming struggles increases productivity in the classroom.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bilingual Peer Tutoring in Action in Early Elementary Grades: Is it Possible?

Early K-2 grades can integrate a bilingual peer tutoring program.  Students can work together to understand different math concepts.  Bilingual students are limited in their English skills and together they can build their vocabulary and skills in math.  Students confidence in math skyrockets while they interacted with each other.