
Thursday, April 26, 2012

EGGstraordinary Fractions!!!!

This activity elevated my little 1st grade students to the next level of understanding in fractions.  They had so much fun using the sports theme Easter eggs to learn and practice fractions.  Really want to share this activity with everyone out there!  When my little students took the district assessment test over this concept, the majority of them passed the test.  I love it when students really capture and understand the concept.  It gives me goosebumps when I see my little ones being successful in their academic learning.  

So here is the activity along with a couple of pictures of what I used to setup my Eggstraordinary Fraction Station.  Please feel free to pass along this activity to your teacher friends!

*By the way, I shopped at the Dollar Tree.   That's where I found the sports theme Easter eggs.

click here to download fraction activity